BasicX Development Suite

BasicX is a programming language for a series of microcontrollers designed and built by NetMedia, Inc. These microcontrollers, the BX01, the BX24, and BX35, are little more than a modified AVR with a bootloader. However, the presence of the bootloader means that we can only program them using the BasicX language. This language is feature-complete with VB 6, and can only be compiled by an IDE nearly ten-years old.

These tools are written to change that.

There are three scripts, bxbuild, bxdebug, and bxproj, and a suite of shared libraries they all depend upon.
  1. bxproj: Creates new BasicX projects using default templates
  2. bxbuild: Wrapper for the compiler, it will compile code and download that code to target devices
  3. bxdebug: Serial port monitor that will read Debug.Print debugging messages from a connected processor

For more information about BasicX, see
More to come here later, but refer to: github.